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Integrated Report (Download)

Integrated Report 2024

  • Love Your Possibilities
  • The Unicharm Way
  • Message from the President & CEO
  • How Unicharm Defines its Goal of Becoming the World’s Best Company
  • Message from the CFO
  • Unicharm’s Value Creation Model
  • Value Creation Process
  • Unicharm’s Business Expansion
  • Unicharm’s Innovation and its Product Portfolio History
  • Financial Highlights
  • Non-Financial Highlights
  • Management with Resonance: Unicharm’s Human Capital Management
  • Review of the 11th Medium-Term Management Plan
  • Overview of the 12th Medium-Term Management Plan
     Strategy 1: Marketing
     Strategy 2: Monozukuri (Manufacturing)
     Strategy 3: Digital Transformation (DX)
     Strategy 4: Sustainability
     Strategy 5: Human Resources
  • Research and Development
  • Intellectual Property
  • Review of Operations
  • Personal Care Business
     Baby and Child Care Products
     Feminine Care Products
     Wellness Care Products
  • Pet Care Business
  • Message from the Head of the ESG Division
  • Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030 (Medium- to Long-Term ESG Goals)
     Safeguarding the Well-Being of Individuals
     Safeguarding the Well-Being of Society
      Supply Chain Management
     Safeguarding the Well-Being of Our Planet
      Basic Environmental Policy
      Climate Change (TCFD)
      Plastic Waste Reduction Measures
      Biodiversity Conservation
     Unicharm Principles
      Human Rights
      Employee Health / Occupational Health and Safety
      Risk Management
      Corporate Governance
      Directors and Executive Officers
      Messages from Outside Directors
  • At a Glance (Fiscal 2023)
  • 10-Year Financial Summary
  • Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
  • Consolidated Statements of Income
     Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
  • Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
  • Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
  • Five-Year Non-Financial Summary
  • Publication of Integrated Report 2024
     Editorial Policy / Period and Scope of Coverage /
     Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
  • Overview of the Unicharm Group
  • External Evaluations


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