External Partnerships and Evaluations

External Partnerships

Unicharm engages in business activities by drawing on its partnerships with external organizations and feedback from stakeholders while referring to various international guidelines.

United Nations Global Compact

Unicharm supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and has participated in this initiative since May 2006.

Human Rights Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labour Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Environment Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Key Reference Frameworks

・COSO ・ISO 9001 ・ISO 14001 ・ISO 10002 ・ISO 13485 ・ISO 14971

Women’s Empowerment Principles

30% Club Japan

UN Women Unstereotype Alliance Japan National Chapter

The Valuable 500

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)

Eco Rail Mark

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy (J4CE)

Green × Digital Consortium

Plastics Smart

Re-Style Partner Company

Plastic Circular Challenge 2025

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)


Declaration of Partnership Building

My Declaration of Human Rights

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Barrier-Free Support Company

Declaration of Full Childcare Leave for Male Employees

Good Practices of Consumer-Oriented Management

SDGs for Regional Revitalization Public–Private Partnership Platform

External Evaluations

Unicharm has been included as a constituent of indexes of Japanese stocks* selected and adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (as of March 31, 2023).

The Company will continue working to exercise appropriate business management and endeavoring to communicate highly transparent information on the outcomes of its business activities to ensure its consistent inclusion in major environmental, social, and governance (ESG) indexes. Through these efforts, we will strive to achieve the sustainable growth in our corporate value that all our stakeholders expect.

Inclusion in ESG Indexes and Evaluations (as of March 31, 2023)

◇ FTSE4Good Index Series

An index developed by FTSE Russell that selects companies that demonstrate specific ESG practices

◆ FTSE Blossom Japan Index

An index developed by FTSE Russell that selects Japanese companies that demonstrate specific ESG practices

◆ FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

A new index developed by FTSE Russell in March 2022 that selects Japanese companies based on their ESG ratings, giving particular weight to the climate governance and climate change efforts of those with high greenhouse gas emissions

FTSE Russell (the trading name of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) confirms that Unicharm Corporation has been independently assessed, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent member of the FTSE4Good Index Series, the FTSE Blossom Japan Index, and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. Created by the global index provider FTSE Russell, these indices were designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong environmental, social, and governance practices, and are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other financial products.

◇ MSCI ESG Leaders indexes

Indexes created by MSCI Inc. of the United States that select companies with high ESG ratings

◆ MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index

An index that selects Japanese companies with relatively high ESG ratings within their respective industries

◆ MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)

An index that selects Japanese companies with high gender diversity scores and that promote women’s participation and advancement

The inclusion of Unicharm Corporation in any MSCI index, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks, or index names herein, does not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, or promotion of Unicharm Corporation by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.

◆ S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

Developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices and Japan Exchange Group, Inc, the S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index measures the performance of companies in the Tokyo Stock Price Index, overweighting or underweighting companies based on their disclosure of environmental information and their carbon efficiency (carbon emissions per unit of revenue).

◇ Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

An index by Bloomberg L.P. of the United States that selects companies committed to information disclosure on gender and to efforts to achieve gender equality


Ratings by CDP, an international not-for-profit charity that strives to create sustainable societies by conducting questionnaires and disclosing information on the environment for investors, companies, cities, states, and regions.

◇ CDP 2022 Supplier Engagement Leader

Companies responding to the CDP climate change questionnaire that have achieved the highest Supplier Engagement Rating scores are recognized as supplier engagement leaders.

◇ SOMPO Sustainability Index

An index operated by Sompo Asset Management Co., Ltd. that selects approximately 300 Japanese companies with consistently strong ESG practices for use in its SOMPO Sustainable Management investment product

◇ JPX-Nikkei Index 400

Comprising companies with high appeal for investors that meet requirements of global investment standards, such as efficient use of capital and investor- focused management perspectives, this stock price index was developed to promote Japanese companies both in Japan and overseas and invigorate the stock market.

◇ ESG Finance Awards Japan

Unicharm was selected as an Environmentally Sustainable Company in the Fourth ESG Finance Awards, sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment. As well as assessing and recognizing investors, institutional investors, and other entities that have engaged proactively in ESG finance and green projects and made outstanding social and environmental impacts, these awards also assess and recognize companies that have incorporated key environment-related opportunities and risks into their management strategies both to enhance corporate value and achieve positive outcomes for the environment.

◇ DX-Certified Operator

Under this program, the Ministry of the Environment certifies companies that are ready to promote digital transformation (DX) and that have a vision and systems in place for realizing society transformation through digital technology. Unicharm achieved its status as a DX-Certified Operator in 2022.

◇ Sports Yell Company 2023

The Japan Sports Agency awards this title to companies that proactively support and encourage sports activities to promote the health of employees.

◇ 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category)

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and NIPPON KENKO KAIGI certifies companies that practice excellent health and productivity management.

◇ Human Capital Leaders 2022

These comprise companies with outstanding human capital management initiatives and information disclosure selected from the 500 enterprises that responded to the Human Capital Survey 2022 conducted jointly by HR Research Institute, HR Technology Consortium, and MS&AD InterRisk Research & Consulting, Inc. between October 7, 2022, and December 2, 2022.

◇ 4th Platinum Career Awards

Unicharm received the Excellence Award at the 4th Platinum Career Awards sponsored by Mitsubishi Research Institute’s Initiative for Co-creating the Future. The Platinum Career Awards recognize companies that support the development of “platinum careers” that allow employees to learn autonomously and refine and use their skills in their own careers while addressing social issues.

◇ Award for Good Practices of Consumer-Oriented Management

Unicharm received the Minister of State’s Commendation Award at the 2022 Awards for Good Practices of Consumer-Oriented Management in recognition of its development of Unicharm Face Visible Mask and MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect and its horizontal recycling initiatives for disposable diapers.

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