Our Basic Approach and Strategy |
Management Structure |
Indicators and Targets |
Initiatives and Results |
Environmental Management |
Basic Environmental Policy |
RefF Project Targeting the Realization of a Recycling-Based Society |
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Recycling-Based Society |
Plastic Waste Reduction Measures |
Zero-Carbon Society |
Climate Change |
Disclosure Based on the TCFD Recommendations |
Climate transition plan |
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Biodiversity |
Biodiversity Conservation |
Reducing Emissions and Preventing Pollution |
Water Recycling-Oriented Society |
Water Resources |
Environmental Data |
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Innovation Management |
Product Development |
Digital Transformation (DX) |
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Intellectual Property |
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Customer Satisfaction |
Responsibility to Our Customers (Consumers) |
Quality |
Quality Assurance |
Human Rights |
Respect for Human Rights |
Human Resources |
Development and Utilization of Human Resources |
Diversity and Inclusion |
Employee Health |
Occupational Health and Safety |
Supply Chain Management |
Sustainable Procurement |
Communities |
Social Contribution Activities |
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Social Data |
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Corporate Governance |
Corporate Governance |
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Compliance |
Fair Business Practices |
Tax Compliance |
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Risk Management |
Risk Management |
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Governance Data |
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