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  4. Unicharm joined “The Valuable 500”, an international initiative to work on the promotional activities to extend the opportunities for disabled people to play active roles. opportunities for disabled people to play active roles.


Unicharm joined “The Valuable 500”, an international initiative to work on the promotional activities to extend the opportunities for disabled people to play active roles.

Unicharm Corporation (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President & CEO: Takahisa Takahara) has become a member of “The Valuable 500”, an international initiative to promote the extension of opportunities for people with disabilities to play active roles.

The Valuable 500

About “The Valuable 500”

“The Valuable 500” is an initiative formed at Annual Conference of World Economic Forum 2019 with a purpose of causing major reforms by business leaders so that people with disabilities can demonstrate their potential capabilities and values in society, business and economy. Since the time of its foundation, Unicharm has stated “respecting humanity & dignity” in the management policy and strived to realize the circumstances in which employees are able to exert their diversity, independence and originality.

View on Unicharm Group “Cohesive Society = Social Inclusion”

“Cohesive Society” Unicharm is aiming at is nothing else but to realize “Social Inclusion”. Our view on “Social Inclusion” covers not only those who are so-called vulnerable but also who are disadvantaged either temporarily or for a certain period of time due to aging, illness, childbirth, menstruation or others. In such society of “Social Inclusion”, people can spend their lives in the way they so wish under any circumstances while keeping the individual independence with a reasonable sense of distance and providing mutual support in the way they can.

In our initiative to promote the employment of people with disabilities in aiming at the “Cohesive Society = Social Inclusion”, we are striving to provide them with the most appropriate working circumstances in which each and every one of them can fully exert their capabilities. Here are some of the examples of giving mindful consideration to them such as removing an obstacle on the line of motion in their working space according to the specific character of each individual disability, ensuring the safety of their movement by installing the slope, hand-rail or others in the toilet, giving them the work instructions by way of using mail or chat, among many others.

Meanwhile, here is one ongoing initiative we can introduce. As a countermeasure to address the spread of COVID-19 infection, it is no longer possible to spend our daily life without face mask, however, at the same time, it also became an obstacle of communication for people who use “lip reading” to help their hearing. Accordingly, we developed “Unicharm Face-Viewable Mask” that is transparent for not interrupting the communication while securely containing the droplets. Being upheld by a wide range of people including those who have hearing or speaking impairments and care workers or nurses, “Unicharm Face-Viewable Mask” reached its initial sales target only a few hours after launching.

We at Unicharm Group have formulated the “Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030 ~ For a Diverse, Inclusive & Sustainable World ~”, the med-to-long term ESG goal, and brought up “Unicharm Principle” as one of our key initiatives. We will aim at running our businesses that are fair, highly transparent and trustworthy to all stakeholders.


For inquiries, please contact:

Unicharm Corporation, Corporate Planning Division, Public Relations Office

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