Editorial Policy / Contents

Editorial Policy

Preparation of Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023 was prepared to provide readers with information on Unicharm’s sustainability activities. At Unicharm, sustainability is about embodying “NOLA & DOLA,”* our corporate philosophy that is embraced by all of us in the course of our daily business activities. 

This year, in addition to reporting in line with the four areas established in our medium- to long-term ESG goals, Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030, we worked to further improve the contents of the report from the viewpoint of strengthening disclosure of ESGrelated information.

In preparing Sustainability Report 2023, we referred to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, GRI Standards, and other sources, while incorporating information that reflects the global needs of society for sustainability reports.

Moving forward, we will take measures to continue to improve the quality of our sustainability report in order to cater to the needs of all of our stakeholders. We hope that you take the time to read this report in conjunction with Integrated Report 2023 and share your honest opinions.



The contents of Sustainability Report 2023 are based on the activities of the Unicharm Group (Unicharm Corporation and its domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries). However, the report also contains information on certain non-consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies.

In the report, “Unicharm” or “the Company” refers to “the Unicharm Group.” Company names are stated individually when there is a need to specify the scope.

Intended Audience

All Unicharm stakeholders inclusive of customers, shareholders, investors, business partners, employees, and society in general

Reporting Period

January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022 (the report focuses on results from 2022 and includes some of the latest information from 2023)

Date of Issue

May 2023

Next issue scheduled for May 2024 (previous issue: May 2022)

Available at

“Sustainability” section of Unicharm’s corporate website

Third-Party Assurance

Unicharm has received third-party assurance from PricewaterhouseCoopers Sustainability LLC for the environmental information contained in this report.

Reference Guidelines

  • GRI Standards
    (GRI disclosure numbers have been noted for each corresponding disclosure item)
  • Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018 of the Ministry of the Environment
  • TCFD recommendations
  • SASB Standards

Information Disclosure System

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