Released Unicharm Group Sustainability Report 2024
Unicharm Corporation (CEO & President: Mr. Takahisa Takahara) announced the release of the Sustainability Report 2024. It may be accessed from our Sustainability site.
At Unicharm Group, our purpose is contributing to the achievement of SDGs. Accordingly, realizing this purpose through our business activities is our vision of sustainability.
Sustainability Report 2024 reports on specific activities, progress, and results for the key themes of four areas established in our medium- to long-term ESG goals, “Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030” announced in 2020. In addition, to disclose ESG-related information in an easy-to-understand manner, the report shows examples of actual activities with employees working on the frontlines of the field.
We will continue steadily to resolve environmental and social issues through our business activities and contribute to the betterment of local communities. Furthermore, through the appropriate disclosure of ESG information, we aim to be a company trusted by all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders and investors, business partners, employees and their families, and local communities.
<Related Information>
Unicharm Sustainability site
Unicharm Group Sustainability Report PDF download
Unicharm Medium to Long Term ESG Goals Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030
<<For Inquiries>>
Unicharm Corporation, ESG Division, Public Relations Office
Email: brand-pr@unicharm.com