UC Selected as
CDP Supplier Engagement Leader 2022 for Two Consecutive Years
Unicharm Corporation (CEO & President, Mr. Takahisa Takahara) has been selected as “CDP Supplier Engagement Leader 2022” for two consecutive years by CDP (Headquarters: London, England), an international non-profit organization that is a world authority in the environmental field.
About CDP
CDP (Former name: Carbon Disclosure Project) is a global non-profit organization founded in the UK in 2000. It is one of the world’s leading ESG rating organization that promotes active information disclosure through investigation and evaluation of risks and opportunities related to climate change, water, forests, and other issues for major companies around the world, and discloses such information to institutional investors.
Supplier Engagement Rating (SER)
The Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) assesses how effectively a company is working with its suppliers on climate change issues. CDP scores supplier engagement efforts on several questions from the climate change questionnaire in the categories of governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions accounting*1, and value chain engagement.
CDP 2022 Supplier Engagement Leader
The “CDP 2022 Supplier Engagement Leader” include the top 8% of companies that responded to the full SER questionnaire in 2022.
Our Initiatives
We have formulated our med-to-long-term ESG goals, “Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030” (hereinafter referred to as “KLV 2030”), and have set a total of 20 key themes, indicators and targets, five for each of the following four areas: “Safeguarding the well-being of individuals”, “Safeguarding the well-being of society”, “Safeguarding the sell-being of our planet”, and “Unicharm Principles”.
In particular, we are focusing on the following activities from the perspective of “Safeguarding the well-being of our planet”.
As the impact of climate change becomes increasingly serious, we recognize that reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a priority issue that we must address. For this reason, in June 2018, we received certification from the Science-Based Targets (SBT) Initiative for our reduction plan through 2045, in order to contribute to the 2°C scenario of the Paris Agreement.
Based on the aforementioned plan, KLV2030 has set the goal of “Increasing the ratio of renewable electricity to all electricity used for business operations to 100% by 2030”. To achieve this goal, we are promoting the installation of solar power generation systems and the procurement of renewable electricity certificates at a total of 17 plants, eight in Japan and nine overseas.
In addition, as an effort to reduce GHG emissions throughout the entire value chain, we have formulated rules for calculating GHG emissions in accordance with the international standard GHG Protocol*2, and obtained primary emissions data by material from our major raw material suppliers to calculate CO2 emissions with higher accuracy and freshness. Furthermore, we plan to calculate and disclose the carbon footprint (CFP) of each product in the future.
We use Sedex*3 to manage social and environmental issues in our supply chain. We have established relationships on the Sedex platform with our suppliers, which account for approximately 80% of our transaction value (as of December 31, 2022), and are using the platform to assess various risks.
We will continue to strengthen our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions to build a low-carbon society.
<Related Information>
Unicharm Sustainability site https://www.unicharm.co.jp/en/csr-eco.html
Unicharm Kyo-sei Life Vision https://www.unicharm.co.jp/en/csr-eco/kyoseilifevision.html
CDP Suppier Engagement Assessment https://bit.ly/SupplierEngagement2022
※1 Scope 3 emissions accounting : Indirect CO2 emissions from the supply chain of business activities.
※2 GHG Protocol: The World Resources Institute (WRI), a U.S. environmental NGO, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, a conference of 200 international companies, launched the GHG Protocol Initiative in 1998 to develop standards for GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions accounting and reporting. Since the first edition of the GHG Protocol was published in 2001, it has become the global standard for GHG emissions accounting standards.
※3 Sedex:A global membership organization that promotes responsible sourcing and provides companies with the technology and insights to build responsible businesses and supply chains, including the world's largest platform for sharing supply chain data on labor standards, health and safety, the environment, and business ethics. More than 74,000 corporate members in 170 countries use Sedex solutions to manage supply chain risk, comply with laws and regulations, and measure and disclose their impact.
<<For inquiries>>
Unicharm Corporation, ESG Division, Public Relations Office
Email: brand-pr@unicharm.com